Risalto internazionale per la quinta giornata nazionale del Teatro in Carcere promossa dal Teatro Ae

International highlight for the fifth national day of the Theatre in Prison promoted by Teatro Aenigma and the National Theatre Coordination in Prison
> L’ITI International Theatre Institute, organismo internazionale presso l’UNESCO, che quest’anno celebra 70 anni di attività nella promozione del teatro in tutto il mondo, ha riportato sulla home page del suo sito istituzionale la notizia che era apparsa il 20 giugno 2018 sull'Agenzia di Stampa Nazionale REDATTORE SOCIALE a firma di Teresa Valiani e rilanciata da Teatro Aenigma sul suo sito (link).
L’iniziativa promossa in collaborazione con il Dipartimento dell'Amministrazione Penitenziaria e il Dipartimento di Giustizia Minorile e di Comunità del Ministero della Giustizia, ha visto il coinvolgimento di ben 16 Regioni italiane, con 102 eventi promossi fuori e dentro il carcere, in 56 istituti penitenziari, 2 Rems, includendo la partecipazione di 58 altri enti tra università, istituzioni scolastiche, Uffici di esecuzione penale esterna, teatri, enti locali e consentendo l’adesione di migliaia di cittadini impegnati in attività mirate a favorire il reinserimento sociale delle persone recluse attraverso iniziative che producono un sensibile abbassamento del rischio di recidiva. L'evento è seguito e condiviso sin dalla sua prima edizione anche dalla Associazione Nazionale dei Critici di Teatro e dalla Rivista europea Catarsi-Teatri delle diversità.
L’articolo è stato tradotto in inglese per una vasta diffusione nei cinque continenti, a significare l'interesse che gli operatori teatrali e gli organismi internazionali volgono all’attività del Coordinamento Nazionale di Teatro in Carcere Italiano e del Teatro Aenigma (organismi riconosciuti anche per il triennio 2018-2020 dal Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali con il Progetto "Destini Incrociati") e che vede tra i suoi più attivi riferimenti e convinti sostenitori il regista Vito Minoia, studioso di Teatro Educativo all'Università di Urbino.
Riportiamo qui di seguito il testo in inglese apparso sul sito dell'ITI-UNESCO:
The quality work of the National Theater Coordination in Prison
We publish below the article that appeared on June 20, 2018 on the National Press Agency REDACTORE SOCIALE by Teresa Valiani /
Register 102 events outside and inside the walls, with the involvement of 56 institutes, 2 Rems, 16 Italian regions and 58 among universities, schools, Uepe, theaters and local authorities. Thousands of citizens who participated. Vito Minoia: "The experience continues to grow but a quality work does not always correspond to greater attention in terms of support".
ROME - Sixteen Italian regions involved, 102 events and initiatives promoted outside and inside the prison, with 56 prisons and 2 Rems to host the shows and with the participation of 58 among universities, educational institutions, Offices of external penal execution, theaters, institutions locals. And thousands of citizens engaged in activities aimed at favoring the social reintegration of people recruited through initiatives that produce a significant lowering of the risk of recidivism.
The experience of the 'locked up' stages is consolidated from year to year: the numbers of the Fifth National Theater Day in Prison, promoted by the National Theater Coordination in Prison, in agreement with the Ministry of Justice - the Department of Penitentiary Administration. An event that, since 2014, takes place in conjunction with the World Theater Day, this year at the 56th edition, promoted by the Iti Worldwide-Unesco (International Theater Institute) and the Italian Center of the Iti with the collaboration of the European magazine "Catarsi-Theaters of Diversities" and the National Association of Theater Critics.
The 2018 edition of the V National Day has seen a spread throughout the country with a new record of participation from north to south: a positive result that "confirms - we read in a note - the fruitful and important collaboration between the Ministry of Justice Department of the Penitentiary Administration and the National Coordination of Theater in Prison, fruit of the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2013 and renewed in 2016 with the participation of the RomaTre University, integrated in 2017 with an operative Appendix to the Memorandum of Understanding it also registered its membership by the Department of Juvenile Justice and the Community ". "The success of the initiative - comments the president of the National Coordination, Vito Minoia - recognized as good practice at the international level (the president was recently invited to report on the subject in Segovia at the 35th Congress of the International Theater Institute Unesco ed) is in the incessant work of promoting a qualitatively high theatrical and cultural intervention in Italian prisons that significantly reduces the thresholds of recidivism. We have also recorded an increase in membership of the National Coordination of Theater in Prison which currently counts on the participation of 51 participating experiences from 15 Italian Regions and we are going to organize the Fifth Review 'Destini Incrociati', the highest point of comparison of the theater in Italian prison, an excellence now visible on our website (www.teatrocarcere.it) also from the beautiful images of the documentary of Maria Celeste Taliani on the last edition of the event organized in November 2017 in Rome. A Cooperation Project, ours, that coordinates and consortium of the forces trying to give dignity to a theater system with ethical and aesthetic goals at the same time and that is a tangible sign of a positive change in the prison and theatrical universe. Unfortunately, quality work does not always correspond to greater attention in terms of support: we continue to assist, in some territories in particular, the fragility of experience significant that every year must face problems of survival and remain at risk of closure ". (Teresa Valiani) © Copyright Redattore Sociale
Photo: LA FAVOLA BELLA - Voci Erranti - Prison of Saluzzo - directed by Grazia Isoardi ph Francesco Galli at the Teatro Palladium in Rome, review Destini Incrociati, 17.11.2017